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Marc Lamphiere


Marc joined Aer Soléir in 2022 as Head of Engineering and Construction and part of the Senior Management Team. Marc is a Fellow of Engineers Ireland, a Chartered Engineer, Chartered Manager, and qualified Project Management Professional with 20+ years’ experience in the development, financing, construction and operation of complex infrastructure and energy projects.

Prior to joining Aer Soléir, Marc was Country Director for Mace Group, focused primarily on the delivery of multi-billion-euro infrastructure projects and programmes. Before this, Marc was Country Director for Natural Power Consultants working with a large range of renewable energy developers, investment funds, IPP’s and debt and equity lenders, across multiple markets. Marc holds a PhD (Econophysics), an M.Sc. (Energy), a P. Grad. Dip. (International Sales), a B.Eng. (Structural Engineering) and Dip. Eng. (Civil Engineering). He currently sits on the British and Irish Chamber of Commerce’s Energy Committee and Infrastructure Committee, as well as the Council of Wind Energy Ireland.